L'OFA-DCPS offre agli studenti e alle studentesse le conoscenze di base sui concetti cardine delle scienze politiche, sociali e internazionali: un percorso attraverso 18 parole chiave pensato per fornire strumenti utili per frequentare con profitto i Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Culture Politica e Società.

Corso di Riallineamento in Fisica - 2022

The Physics refresher course aims to provide the student with adequate preparation in Physics to be able to successfully take the entrance test at the University.
In this course, the student will deal with the topics of physics that are usually in secondary schools programmes.
The full program is divided into subject areas by modules, in which the student can find lessons related to the various topics.
You can get an idea of the thematic areas and modules by checking the conceptual map downloadable from the link under the title of the course.
To watch the lessons you will have to access the individual modules.
The modules are numbered so that the student who wants to attend them all, can follow a curriculum similar to the one faced in high school. The student will be able to choose whether to face all the modules or only a part, in the way he prefers; however, for those modules on the map that are connected by arrows, it is recommended to follow the educational path given.
For each lesson, there is a series of test-like exercises meant to verify the acquired knowledge for that specific lesson. Furthermore, at the end of each module, the student will find available exercises dealing with topics from the whole module.
At the end of the refresher course, a student who has successfully attended the full program will be able to pass a test like an entry test for university courses with a planned number or a test to verify minimum requirements. ( This course will be fully taught in Italian )

Corso di Riallineamento in Matematica - 2022

The Mathematics refresher course offers an overview of different fields: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, analysis, probability and statistics.
For each topic, students are provided with theoretical material for study, with the support of video lessons sometimes and self-assessment tests.
The course is full of insights and curiosities in order to appreciate the discipline and show its importance even outside a school context; for this reason, several problems among those proposed are drawn from everyday life.
Students can choose their own topics: everyone can organize his/her own personalized training, choosing to deal only with certain parts according to his/her needs and requirements. The concept map of the topics can help. The student is also free in his/her time management since the subject timescales are indicative and do not take into account the variable time for individual study and exercises. (This course will be fully taught in Italian)

Corso di Riallineamento in Chimica - dal 2022

The Chemistry refresher course is useful if:
  • you want to enrol in a degree that requires passing a chemistry entrance test
  • you tried to take the self-assessment test and you didn’t get enough results
  • ...or if you just want to go back to the basics...o se vuoi semplicemente riprendere i concetti base.
The course is structured by modules: you can decide whether to follow the proposed scheme or deal only with the topics in which you feel less confident.
Each module is divided into lessons, in which you will find material and exercises to train and verify your knowledge. ( This course will be fully taught in Italian )

Corso di Riallineamento in Biologia - 2022

Biology offers tools for understanding the reality that surrounds us. This course is aimed at the gradual learning of the themes and specific language of Biology. It is also designed to encourage critical thinking and autonomy of investigation that will allow the students to consciously move towards the choice of the University Course of Study best suited to their inclinations and abilities. The students will independently prepare on all the topics of the course, or select them, according to their needs. As a moment of growth and consolidation of learning, the students will be able to perform tests at the end of each unit of study to verify the goals achieved. (This course will be fully taught in Italian)